Download Excellent,Professional Magazine style Blogger Template 'FunkyZine':
FunkyZine is a magazine style with stylish background,3 column, widget ready Blogger Template.
This was originally a Wordpress theme designed by ChiQ of
and I converted it into Blogger xml format for you guys!

FunkyZine is a magazine style with stylish background,3 column, widget ready Blogger Template.
This was originally a Wordpress theme designed by ChiQ of
and I converted it into Blogger xml format for you guys!

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
Hi delani!
wanted to know if it is you who did the "nite life" blogger template?
if yes I got a question (i'm noob 2 code).
adpated and modified it, everything is cool exept 1 thing:
when using the "embedded comment" option, the "comment link" on top of post DON'T send to comments (at bottom of post/page) but to the top of post.
Located the 'comments" anchor in code but even when i put it at the end of code page nothing change?
Is there a way to correct this.
thanks a lot!
best regards.
how to activate the "word verification" you have in comments?