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FTW Template

Posted by Delani | 7:12 PM | | 0 comments »

This blogger template is converted from a WordPress Theme called FTW, created by Flisterz from flisterz.com. It’s got lots of cool features such as a calendar image for each post. The best part is you don’t need to link to other sites with Javascript or change any urls to make it work. We at eBlog Templates have done all the work for you so this feature just works right out of the box!

The search form has been embedded, so the only thing you need to set is just the menu on the top right. You’ll want to edit the code and look for the following section to edit the tabbed menu items:

The only items you want to tinker with are the “Contact Us” and “About Us” list items. You can of course add more but don’t change the “Home” or “RSS Feed” tabs because they are automatically setup.

There’s also a cool “Ads” widget which defaults to our Google AdSense ads. The widget is a html text box so once you plugin your ad code, our default code will disappear. We didn’t want a big empty space to appear on your blog and it’s better to show an example instead of nothing!

All the images are hosted using our Pro Photobucket account (unlimited bandwidth) so your images will work all the time unlike other sites that offer this same template!

Thanks to Jack Supit for converting this template into the new xml Blogger format.

Want to make your blog stand out from the crowd? I recommend giving your newly downloaded Blogger template a unique and personalized look. Read our Free Blogger Header Images article and find yourself a great custom header image!

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