Hey guys today i decided to share 5 versions of iTheme blogger template , hope you enjoy these blogger templates .
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION1. Download and extract the zip file.
2. Login to your GooglePages and upload all of the images under /images folder
3. Edit the XML file and replace http://YOURGOOGLEPAGES.googlepages.com with your Google account.
4. Login to your Blogger Dashboard
5. Go to Layout > Edit HTML
6. Upload XML Template file (DO NOT copy and paste the code directly to template editor box)
7. PLEASE DO NOT PREVIEW YOUR BLOG. Go to Layout > Page Element
8. Edit “Top Menu” widget. Add at least one link, for example you can make a link to your blog homepage with “Home” anchor text
9. Edit “Archives” widget. Chose “Flat List” Style and “MM YY” Date Format style, for example “February 2008″
10. Edit “Recent Posts” widget. Change Feed URL to http://YOURBLOGNAME.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
11. Edit “Recent Comments” widget. Change Feed URL to http://YOURBLOGNAME.blogspot.com/feeds/comments/default
12. Go to Settings > Formatting, choose Timestamp style: “Wednesday, Januari 30, 2008″
13. Finish. Preview your blog to see the result.
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